Coming to Our Senses: Conversations with Nature

A one day workshop on Saturday 29th June 2013, 10am – 4pm, at The Abbey Sutton Courtenay

The Earth speaks, the natural world communicates, and our body, when we have come to our senses, participates in this conversation.

people in a meadow
In this practical workshop we will explore tools from Deep Ecology and Shamanism that work with all our senses, widening and deepening perception and helping us recover our perceptual flexibility. As we strengthen our innate and intuitive capacity, we heal our disconnection from Nature, rediscovering the ordinary sacredness of the everyday world.

During this experiential workshop in the lovely natural surroundings of the Abbey we will be exploring three basic questions:

  • How do we prepare ourselves to converse with nature?
  • How do we open our perceptions and enlarge our vocabulary so we can converse more fluently with the Earth?
  • What do we do with what we hear/receive?

“The true mystery of the world is in the visible, not the invisible”
Fritjof Capra

Joanna Crowson has worked with teachers of the Toltec tradition for more than 20 years. She now focuses on ‘sacred activism’: the search for genuine transformation on personal, societal and planetary levels, through a renewed connection to the Earth. She has an MSc in Sustainability and a Permaculture Design Certificate, and is co-author of ‘The Key to the Universe’ See

Photo of Abbey, copyright Ruben MartinThe Abbey Sutton Courtenay is a Centre for Transformation: a retreat, education and conference centre in which individuals and groups engage with spiritual development, personal growth and organisational enquiry. At the heart of the Abbey is a small resident community living in a unique medieval building, set in extensive grounds, tucked away in the small village of Sutton Courtenay, just 10 miles south of Oxford. This peaceful yet creative setting never ceases to inspire all who visit.

10am – 4pm, £55 including lunch
Please book in advance and inquire about overnight stays.

The Abbey, Sutton Courtenay, Oxon OX14 4AF
01235 847401