Sunday 7th July 2013, near Glastonbury
The Earth speaks, the natural world communicates, and our body, when we have come to our senses, can participate in this conversation…
Want to spend some time opening and exploring your communication with nature and the more-than-human world, working through your body? Ever wanted to find out how a power walk can lead to an altered state of consciousness or spend time talking to a tree? Join us for a day of fun and practical exercises exploring your perceptions and intuitive senses in natural surroundings, with the opportunity to share your experiences with like-minded people.
Led by Joanna Crowson. Sun 7th July, 11 am to 5pm. Bring a packed lunch. Cost from £5-£20 depending on your circumstances (you decide).
Contact Fran Vandelli to book your place and find out where we will be meeting (which will be reachable by public transport). Please note, this meet up will happen rain or shine!
Joanna Crowson has worked with teachers of the Toltec tradition for more than 20 years. She now focuses on ‘sacred activism’: the search for genuine transformation on personal, societal and planetary levels, through a renewed connection to the Earth. She has an MSc in Sustainability and a Permaculture Design Certificate, and is co-author of ‘The Key to the Universe’ See