So you have some idea of the type of event we organise here at Casa Gaia we have provided this tantalizing list of past events…
- Events preceded by 2 stars (**) take place in Casa Gaia; the rest are in other parts of Cadiz and Spain. Occasional activities in the UK are indicated.
- We will be adding events throughout the year, so if you want to keep up to date with our events, sign up for our mailing list, or come back soon! Thank you.
- Events in Spain are in Spanish. If you need translation, please ask before you come.
- To see our list of past events, click here.
**Sunday 20th January at Casa Gaia. Creativity Circle: Artist Bookmaking Workshop
**Sunday 27th January at Casa Gaia. Permaculture: The Essence of Water. The first in a series of workshops looking at one of our most precious resources… learn about the science and spirituality of water through observation and intuition. Topics covered include water cycles, flow forms, the waterscape, water and intention, water and the moon. With Karmit EvenZur and Joanna Crowson. Bring food to share for lunch. 40€. (Flexible options for payment, plus 20% accepted in Janditas.)
**Sunday 10th February at Casa Gaia. Creativity Circle: Make a Dreamcatcher on the New Moon
**Sat 23rd Feb, 10h-18h at Casa Gaia. Permaculture: Grey Water Day. The second in a series of workshops looking at one of our most precious resources… Learn how to recycle your grey water through mulch pits, filtration systems, managed wetlands and ponds. Examples of methods that work, plus the chance to gain practical experience installing improvements in the systems at Casa Gaia. Teaching team: Andrew Zionts, David Arribas, Chris Davidson and Joanna Crowson (three permacultors and a plumber!) Bring food to share for lunch. 40€. (Flexible options for payment, plus 20% accepted in Janditas.)
**Sat 2nd March, 10h-18h at Casa Gaia. Permaculture: Rain Water Day. The second in a series of workshops looking at one of our most precious resources… Learn how to capture, channel and store rainwater through swales, ponds and rain gardens. Examples of methods that work, plus the chance to gain practical experience installing improvements in the systems at Casa Gaia. Teaching team: Andrew Zionts, David Arribas, Chris Davidson and Joanna Crowson (three permacultors and a plumber!) Bring food to share for lunch. 40€. (Flexible options for payment, plus 20% accepted in Janditas.)
**Sunday 3rd March at Casa Gaia. Creativity Circle: Make a Papiermache Mask
** Sat 20th April, 10am to 6pm: Permaculture and the Interpretation and Improvement of Soil, with Ecoherencia. Bring food to share for lunch. 40€. (Flexible options for payment, plus 20% accepted in Janditas.)
**Sun 21st April: Permaculture Reunion.
**Sat 27th April, 10am to 2pm: Permaculture and Wild Food – how to find it and prepare it from nature’s larder. Bring something to share for lunch to accompany the food we find. 25€
** Wed 1st May, 10am – 6pm: Permaculture & Natural Building Volunteering Day: Making adobe bricks and much more… (We provide lunch.)
Sat 11th May, 11am – 8pm: Permablitz in Los Canos – Urban Food Garden. (We provide lunch.)
**Fri 17th to Sunday 19th May, at Casa Gaia: “Natural Building Workshop”
Fri 28th June, 7pm, near Oxford: Talk – Permaculture: Designing our way to a Sustainable Future
Sat 29th June, 10am to 4pm, near Oxford: Workshop – Coming to our Senses: Conversations with Nature
3rd to 7th July, Glastonbury: Journey through the Magical Lands of Avalon
Sun 7th July, near Glastonbury: Being in your body: Exploring Perception in Nature
Fri 12th – Sun 13th July, Armenteras, near Barcelona: Introduction to Permaculture
22nd- 23rd – Sacred Activist Camp at Casa Gaia ** COMING SOON **
- Events preceded by 2 stars (**) take place in Casa Gaia; the rest are in other parts of Cadiz and the rest of Spain.
- We will be adding events throughout the year, so if you want to keep up to date with our events, sign up for our mailing list, or come back soon! Thank you.
- Events in Spain are in Spanish. If you need translation, please ask before you come.
Fri 13th, 19:00-20:30: Free Talk – Presentation of the 13 Energies with Meditation, in Alegría, Chiclana, Cádiz. For more information: Amaya: 609 057 846
Sat 14th, 11:00-14:00: Workshop “Walking towards Silence: the Shamanic Wisdom of the 13 Energies,” in Alegría, Chiclana, Cádiz. For more information: Amaya: 609 057 846
**20th-22nd, in Casa Gaia: Permaculture Design Course, Module 4
Sat 28th: Pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Noctiluca. (Event that forms part of our Women’s Circle, organised together with Centro Anayansi, La Muela, Vejer, Cádiz. We leave at 8am, and return in the afternoon. For more information: Joanna 652 126 849 / 956 2324219,
**Sat 4th Feb, from 19:00 in Casa Gaia: Inipi (free activity, but with a suggested donation of 10€ to cover costs of wood etc)
Fri 10th Feb, 18:30-20:00 in Centro Anayansi: Women’s Circle.
Sun 12th Feb, 11:00-14:00 in Ecocenter Tarifa: Free Workshop “Shamanic Wisdom of 13 Energies“, in Spanish.
**Fri 17th Feb, 19h in the San Ambrosio school, near Casa Gaia: Free Talk: “How to make compost” by Ecoherencia.
**18th & 19th Feb, in Casa Gaia: Permaculture Design Course, Module 5
23rd Feb, 20:00-21:30 in Centro Ámate, Madrid: Free Talk/Meditation – “The Shamanic Wisdom of the 13 Energies”.
25th Feb, 10:30-20:00, in Centro Ámate, Madrid: Workshop “Walking towards the Heart: the Shamanic Wisdom of the 13 Energies,” with live music and sound healing session by Antonio Muñoz.
26th Feb, 11:00-14:00, in Madrid: Workshop “Change yourself and you Change the World: Transformation through the activation of the 13 Energies.” Fundraiser, all proceeds go the projects of Asociacion Las Beguinas.
27th Feb, 19-21h, in Anima Centre Treballs Energètics, Manresa: Free Talk/Meditation – “The Shamanic Wisdom of the 13 Energies”.
Fri 16th March, 18:30-20:00 in Centro Anayansi: Women’s Circle.
** Fri 23rd March, 19h en Casa Gaia: Silent Fire (Free)
**24th & 25th March, in Casa Gaia: Permaculture Design Course, Module 6
**Sat 31st March, 18h in Casa Gaia: Inipi (free activity, but with a suggested donation of 10€ to cover costs of wood etc)
**Fri 13th April, 18h, leaving from Casa Gaia: Power walk to the Ermita de San Ambrosio (free activity)
**14th & 15th April, in Casa Gaia: Permaculture Design Course, Module 7
Wed 19th April, 19:00-21:00 in Centro Anayansi, La Muela, Vejer, Cádiz: Mini-workshop “Cleaning your luminous bubble”
Fri 20th April, 18:30-20:00 in Centro Anayansi: Women’s Circle.
Sat 21st April, 11:00-14:00 in Ecocenter Tarifa: Free Workshop “The Magic of Gratitude and Shamanic Transformation”, in Spanish.
**Sun 22nd April: Activities to celebrate Earth Day, in Casa Gaia
**Sat 28th April 2012: Dance workshop on the terrace, led by Sophia
Wed 2nd May, 19:00-21:00 in Centro Anayansi, La Muela, Vejer, Cádiz: Mini-workshop “Shamanic Journey”
**Sat 5th May, 21h leaving from Casa Gaia: Full Moon Night Walk through the Pinar de la Breña. (Free activity)
Tues 15th May, 19.00-20.30 in Alegría, Chiclana, Cádiz: Mini-workshop, “The Sound of Shamanism – Cleaning your Luminous Bubble.”For more information: Amaya: 609 057 846
Wed 16th May, 19:00-21:00 in Centro Anayansi, La Muela, Vejer, Cádiz: Mini-workshop “Ritual Dance”
**19th & 20th May, in Casa Gaia: Permaculture Design Course, Module 8
Fri 25th May, 18:30-20:00 en Centro Anayansi: Women’s Circle.
Tues 29th May, 19.00-20.30 in Alegría, Chiclana, Cádiz: Mini-workshop, “The Sound of Shamanism – Shamanic Journey.”For more information: Amaya: 609 057 846
Wed 30th May, 19:00-21:00 in Centro Anayansi, La Muela, Vejer, Cádiz: Mini-workshop “Shamanic Silence”
**Sun 3rd June, 11h-15h at Casa Gaia: Geomancy – Shamanic connection with your land and garden, with Karmit Evenzur.
**Sun 3rd June, 21h leaving from Casa Gaia: Full Moon Night Walk through the Pinar de la Breña. (Free activity)
**8th, 9th & 10th June, in Casa Gaia: “Natural Building Workshop”
Tues 12th June, 19.00-20.30 in Alegría, Chiclana, Cádiz: Mini-workshop, “The Sound of Shamanism – Ritual Dance.” For more information: Amaya: 609 057 846
20th – 25th August – Toltec shamanism intensive with Agustin in N Spain
** Sat 22nd, 10am – 6pm: Permaculture Volunteering Day: Making adobe bricks and lining a pond. (We provide lunch.)
** Sat 22nd, 8pm: Equinox Celebration. Bring musical instruments and food to share.
**28th, 29th & 30th September, in Casa Gaia: “Natural Building Workshop”
Fri 19th Oct, 18:30-20:00 en Centro Anayansi: Women’s Circle.
**Fri 21st Dec, at Casa Gaia. Solstice Celebration: Releasing into the Dark and Opening into the Light PROGRAMME: 17.00-19.00 Yin Yoga in the Yurt, with Andrew Zionts. Followed by Sweatlodge from 19.00 onwards with Joanna Crowson, closing with soup and chillout in the yurt. This is one of out Gift Economy events – we gratefully accept your donation. Places are limited so you MUST reserve yours. For more information: Joanna: 652 126849;